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BIN Leadership Sangha

We are an all-volunteer board donating our time to the Buddhist Insight Network to help connect insight meditators, teachers, sangha leaders, and retreat centers in an interactive web of shared ideas and inspiration. As the Insight Meditation community grows, so do wisdom, awareness, and compassion for the benefit of all beings. If you share that vision, perhaps you'd like to join us!


Board of Directors


Rick Donham is the primary leader of the Moab Sangha, one of a number of southwest meditation groups supported by Desert Dharma, whose guiding teacher is Susie Harrington. Retired from a career in public mental health, Rick has had a daily meditative practice since 2010. He completed Susie Harrington's Dharma-in-Daily-Living course in 2015. He has attended many long retreats and completed Spirit Rock’s Advanced Practitioner Program. Rick lives in Moab, Utah.


Stephanie Noble is the author of Asking In, Six Empowering Questions Only You Can Answer, and Invitation to Insight, a full-length collection of meditative poems.  She founded Marin Insight Women's Sangha, and guest teaches at other sanghas. She shares her dhamma talks and guided meditations at She has attended classes and retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center since 1994 and served as a longtime class manager and occasional guest teacher. She and her husband, the artist Will Noble, live in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Susan Weir has been leading sittings and teaching insight meditation classes and retreats since 1999. She has studied in the Gurdjieff, Zen, Vipassana, and Advaita traditions.

Susan founded Insight Meditation Ann Arbor in 2012 and teaches continuing and non-dual classes and retreats at the center and as a guest teacher elsewhere. She and her husband Lou, also a dharma teacher, live in the Ann Arbor area of Michigan.


Mark Wiesman is an insight practice teacher with an emphasis on early Buddhist teachings. Mark was first introduced to vipassana meditation and practice in 1984

and has attended several silent retreats and completed courses in Satipatthana and Anapannasati guided by Bhikkhu Analayo. He currently shares the Dhamma with friends at the Mindfulness Outreach Initiative in Omaha, Nebraska, and serves on the board of Mid America Dharma.


Steve Williger is the president of Insight Meditation Cleveland. Retired from careers in both psychiatric social work (MSSA) and law (JD), he has had a daily meditation practice since approximately 2000. Steve was certified in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in 2015, and successfully completed the 10-week Yale University course, 'The Science of Well-Being' in 2020. He provides introductory meditation sessions for law firms, bar associations, colleges, social workers and therapists, museums, non-profit organizations, first responders, and private groups. 


BIN Advisors

The Buddhist Insight Network has the support and guidance of:

Kim Allen
Randima (Randy) Fernando
Jack Kornfield
Oren Jay Sofer

Gil Fronsdal
Sally Armstrong


©2020 Buddhist Insight Network

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