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Is this the right sangha for me?

BIN offers these listings as a service to the Insight Meditation community, a friendly affiliation of people practicing in the tradition of the earliest followers of the Buddha. Our organization has no role in accrediting sanghas, but the following questions may help you assess whether a sangha is a good fit for you.


When you attend a sitting group, ask yourself:

  • Do I feel safe, welcome, and respected?

  • Am I being given guidance on how to develop meditation skills? If not, is such guidance available when requested?

  • Do I respect the teachers and sangha leaders? Do they practice what they teach?

  • Are they open to and able to receive requests and constructive feedback from community members? 

  • Does the teacher consistently share a deep understanding of the Buddha's teachings?

  • Am I being encouraged to practice inquiry?

  • Do the lectures and instructions given refer to the Buddha's teachings (e.g., the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Four Brahma Viharas, etc.), making them clear and meaningful to my life?

If you can answer yes to all these questions, then this sangha is probably a healthy place for you to practice meditation and develop insight.


If you answered "no" to any of these questions, then perhaps a different sangha would be better for you. If no other sangha exists near you, you might visit sangha websites to see what online offerings are available.
If you are a dedicated student of the Dhamma and feel called to share it, you may be able to bring the teachings to your community through dedicated practice, inquiry, and study. Teaching programs are available within this tradition. There is also a tradition of peer-led groups, where the sangha meets, meditates together, and, inspired by books and recorded dhamma talks by Insight teachers, has a period of discussion.


If you feel that a sangha listed on this website is not acting ethically, we would appreciate your letting us know. We are not an investigative body, nor do we have the authority to revoke any community or individual’s capacity to teach, but with sufficient evidence of misconduct, we can remove that sangha from our list.


If you believe you have experienced or witnessed an ethical violation from a teacher or sangha in the Insight Meditation tradition and do not feel safe enough to address those actions directly with the community, you are welcome to contact the Spirit Rock Ethics and Reconciliation Council.

May you be well and benefit from your experience with Insight Meditation.


​- The BIN Board

©2020 Buddhist Insight Network

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