BIN Forums
To attend Forums and Presentations join the Intersangha!​
Free, informative, and inspiring
​Sangha leadership members are invited to join the Intersangha Google Group.
Those who actively share the dhamma in the Insight tradition are also invited to join the Teaching Sangha Google Group.
Unless explicitly mentioned, BIN Forums are offered freely. Dana is always appreciated.

We teach the dhamma out of compassion. - MN 103
Intersangha Forums
Members or outside specialists share their expertise with Insight teachers, sangha leaders, and retreat managers on specific topics of interest.
To participate in forums, join the Intersangha email group.
​​NOTE: The views expressed during Intersangha discussions, forums, and presentations are solely those of the individuals offering them and do not necessarily represent those of the Buddhist Insight Network. B.I.N. is not responsible and does not verify the accuracy of the information shared.